Saturday, 31 October 2009

My Self Evaluation

Attainment --> Excellent
I have a learnt a sea of media terminology words to enhanced the meanings of explanations in my work.

Effort--> Good
I put a lot of effort in every lesson perceiving that I am enthusiastic about Media and enjoy doing it.

I have been late on one occasion since the beginning of term and only missed a lesson that day I was ill, apart from that I am in lesson very regularly and on time.

Submission and Quality of Homework-->Good
The submission of my work has always been good quality and on time apart from the day I was ill. The quality of my work has been very good using key terminology and perceptive views. Nevertheless the quality of my work could be increasingly better with more time and effort.

Ability to Work Independently--> Excellent/ Good
I heavily enjoy working independently or in a partnership, creating good quality work in either, but most credibly alone.

Quality of Writing--> Excellent
The writing in all my work I believe as been up to scratch, using the all important media terminology words which have become a ‘must’ in all pieces of writing.

Organisation of Blog-->Excellent
My blog is much organised and in very good quality, using the ‘Key Media Terminology’ that is always required, and is always in fairly good length with images to represent the given subject of what I’m writing about.

Oral Contribution--> Excellent
Every lesson is a contribution lesson, since I always have something say. I contribute very often, which helps me to comprehend and learn better in class.

- Contribution in Class
- Posts on the Blog
- Media Terminology

-If I put 100% in Class and Homework
-Complete Homework to best of my ability
- I don’t dose off in Class…sometimes.

How well is the course organised?
So far the course seems to be pretty straight forward, with lessons going smoothly and has been very interesting.

How interesting is the content that is covered?
The content of work covered in class is always interesting which concludes into various things to talk about in lessons.

How useful are the handouts?
There hasn’t been many hand-outs during lessons, however it doesn’t seem to be a particular problem, but since you mentioned it maybe it could help.

Have the lessons been well-paced?
Media lessons have been well-paced, getting most things done and understood.

What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?
The teachers presentations and subject knowledge has been exceedingly good, very helpful useful, and always well-informed.

How well has the course met your expectations?
The course so far has met my expectations and somewhat exceeded it. Media lessons have been very enjoyable and knowledgeable for past couple of weeks.

Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve.)
The Media Awards has been very helpful, inspired me to do well, and given me an idea of what is expected for our media production for this year.

Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?
The Media Macguffin Blog has been hugely useful, as it helps me put what I have learnt in lessons to use, using the key Media terminology.