This poster shows that the narrative seems to be in relation with the two characters standing beside each other(The Hero and Herione of the movie)- facing in opposite directions presenting that perhaps they will lead into conflict between themselves.
From the ensemble of characters-family and friends- this portrays that it is a family movie, which can direct into disagreements and some sort of trouble, especially as the two characters dominating the poster are interracial.
The confetti in the backdrops of the poster can connote a celebration or specifically a wedding.
The split of cultural differences present in the poster (Western Culture at the left and Asian Culture at the right) shows that it is a multi-cultural movie not specifically targeted for an Asian audience.
The colour and font of the title of the movie suggest fun and laughter as the colour yellow connotes this. And the curve structure of the font also suggests that it is an all round family movie which many people can enjoy.
The feel and presence of the characters and scenery shows that it can be a comedy drama, musical or family type movie. And so this shows that demographically the audience can be from E to C1 or even B.